Fox News: An Oxymoron


To the editor:

While one can never predict the outcome of a trial, the argument that Fox news was simply reporting Trump's (and his allies) accusations rather than embracing them is patently false (3.12.23 How Fox hopes to win in court after setbacks).  Legitimate news outlets, like the PBS Newshour, reported the news objectively noting the unsubstantiated or baseless nature of the claims being made. Fox News parroted those claims to their audience while taking an objective stance in private where market share was not at risk.  Most disturbing is that Fox news lied to its loyal viewers for personal gain; sacrificing the truth and any journalistic sense of integrity to its listeners. Tucker Carlson's recent spin on the events of January 6th suggest that he and the network are doubling down on what they believe is a winning strategy.  I hope Fox's viewers prove them wrong.


Larry S. Sandberg